One of the main complaints of using electronic health records (EHR)s is they make delivery of health care less productive. In a survey of primary care physicians from Medical Economics, one-third said the greatest challenge of an EHR was the disruption to their practice and only one in ten said it was the cost. The ...

Examining, treating and caring for patients can become more involved with the increase in time-consuming detractors such as ICD-10 implementation, meaningful use requirements, and changing reimbursement, just to name a few.
Most, if not all, people don’t become doctors to do paperwork, or fulfill regulatory requirements. They want to practice medicine. Read more here about ...
There have been multiple studies, articles, and blogs written concluding there is an increased inefficiency when physicians, hospitals or offices are converted to electronic records. Multiple surveys ask the question: “How has the EHR affected the number of patients you provide for during the day?” The majority of responses given are usually that it decreases, ...
There’s a happy ending to this story, but it’s a good one to learn from others mistakes. It’s from a computer company not a medical practice but still the lessons apply aptly. And there’s more than one lesson: read, learn and prepare here’s the link.

Multi-Step Training Increases the Value of Your EHR System.
“Set it and forget it,” the “Ultima Thule” of workflows. It reminds me of a coffee mug my offspring bought me for Father’s Day years back. One side of the mug said: “I love computers”. The other side of the mug said: “I can watch them do ...