EyeWiki Information

  • Is backup redundancy necessary?

    I recently had a practice ask me if replacing a failed backup drive was “necessary” to replace. Necessary is defined as “required to be done”. Synonyms listed by the Google search definition were “required”, “compulsory” and “imperative”. Now this was not their sole backup, this was one of the redundant backups. To be clear I’m ...
  • Road Map To Success: Growing Optical in an Uncertain Economy

    Road Map To Success: Growing Optical in an Uncertain Economy
    By Bob Teale, BBA; COE Many practices have optical shops. In fact, about 60% of all ophthalmology practices I call on have them.  Given today’s challenging practice environment in which carriers like Medicare are looking to reduce fees to doctors, why not take advantage of this ideal business opportunity? Your efforts might just reveal the “magic bullet” ...
  • Once and done isn’t enough

    What you would think is a simple singular process, isn’t necessary the case. When reaching out to new patients and rekindling relationships with previous patients, repetition is the key. For a more in depth analysis and research into this process read this.
  • Social Media and your Practice

    Social Media, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram are all familiar names if you spend any time connected to the internet. The use of these methods of communication is continually evolving. While social media is still a great way to share photos of your kids or your lunch, patients and doctors are finding it an adjunct to their ...
  • One last attempt to block ICD-10

    A bill was introduced into United States House by Ted Poe of Texas to stop the pending October implementation of ICD-10. ICD-10 is expansion of the current method of diagnostic code called ICD-9. It has been met with claims it will unnecessarily burden providers with little benefit to patient care. HR bill 2126 introduced on ...